You Might Want To Grab Yourself A Cuppa For This One…

This time yesterday I posted a tweet with my view on social media, that received the most likes / retweets than anything else I have ever posted. So, I thought I would put down my view in a bit more detail for you in response to recent news in the media on Essena O’Neill’s decision to quit her social channels, due to Instagram and other platforms being (in her opinion) “contrived perfection made to get attention”. This has of course sparked many conversions and agreements / disagreements with Essena’s views inside and outside of the blogging community. Which I am sure you have all have seen by now and will no doubt have your individual opinions on.

In short, I can admit that I am guilty of having looked at an insane figure or beautiful person on Instagram before and thinking for a second: why can’t I be that flawless, why can’t I be that pretty, or why can’t I post a good selfie. But after the thought pops into my head, it then dissappears and it isn’t something that worries me on a daily basis or stays on my mind for longer than a matter of minutes. As, in my opinion, it simply isn’t worth wasting my time worrying over as:

1. I can’t change my face (without plastic surgery), and

2. I like to try and turn my flaws and insecurities into something positive, where I can.

I look at it this way: “we always want what we don’t have”. But, as human beings it is only natural to have feelings and insecurities – otherwise, we would be the only people to ever feel like this, right? – even the people that I think look amazing in all of their photos as well, most likely get these same thoughts and insecurities sometimes too.

Point being, I don’t think that we can pin point social media as being a destructive force for everyone. All we have to do is look at the mass media, TV, magazines and pop culture to see this “problem” on a daily basis, as they all project common ideals of what people perceive to be society’s view on the ‘ideal’ body or beautiful facial features in some way, shape or form. But, in fact ‘beauty’ is in the eye of the beholder and is subject to each person’s opinions and preferences. So not everyone has the same ideal as to what the perfect woman or man should look like – as the media would like to make us believe 99% of the time.
Is Instagram real or fake?
For me, I think that social media is what you make of it. If you want to go ahead and post fake pictures to appear as if your life is something that it is not, then ultimately that is your own choice. I follow many successful bloggers and strong / independant women working for themselves and on Instagram I don’t ever look at their updates and think that 1. they are bragging or 2. it is make believe. So, I hope that this news does not change people’s perceptions that all bloggers are fake, as I simply don’t think that this is true. Of course, things are fluffed up a little on social media, as you can expect, which I guess is life. But the meanings and intentions behind them are real, in most cases (I hope).

Anyway, without ranting on, I wanted to initially post this as an Instagram update, as I am currently having the most fun shooting flatlays of outfits and items I have styled, being more creative with my account. But, due to recent outbursts and probably some negative speculation on whether posts are real of fake, I thought that I would express my own opinions and news alongside sharing an update of my current Instagram feed, as I am finally happy with the way it looks!

If you are not following me already and like my feed you can find me on Instagram here here – @Lurchhoundloves – and please feel free to leave me your links in the comments below. And if perhaps you would like to know how I shoot flatlays or edit my photos for Instagram, do let me know. Then this is something I can try and put together for you on my blog or YouTube Channel, which you can subscribe to here *another shameless plug, sorry* as I would love to be creating content that you actually want to see. As Always, thanks for reading and don’t forget to connect with me on my social links below…  



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  1. The Sunday Mode
    05/11/15 / 12:26 am

    I completely agree, there is so much about what Essena has said that really bothers me. I think if something is the right thing to do for yourself then thats one thing, but you don’t need to condemn all others and lump them into the same category as you. I know for me social media has only ever been a positive experience and I’m definitely not taking ‘fake’ shots or anything like that. If I posted a picture of pancakes you better believe I ate that whole plate after taking the picture!

    • 05/11/15 / 9:30 am

      Exactly – and how could you not. Pancakes are my FAVOURITE – especially American style with crispy bacon and maple syrup – oh god, I have gone and made myself hungry hehe. thanks for reading lovely, you always leave the nicest comments! xx

  2. 05/11/15 / 1:19 pm

    couldn’t agree more, Essena bothers me too. There is a lot of fakeness out there, but that’s also true when you’re at work, or at school, or wherever. Social Media have so many opportunities for amazing connections. If Essena didn’t get that out of it, that’s her problem.

    • I think it had kind of tainted it for others. We all accept things can be fluffed up but that is the case for all parts of life really isn’t it! xx

  3. 05/11/15 / 1:19 pm

    btw just followed you on instagram ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. 05/11/15 / 3:36 pm

    My interpretation of what Essena has been saying is that she believed she was pursuing an “ideal” that was anything but “real”. And if she didn’t eat all day to try and produce a “perfect” picture, then I applaud her for saying so, and for quitting.

    I for one recognise the whole time-consuming ridiculousness she talked about of having to take 50 shots just to get 1 that you’re vaguely happy with. I think if we’re honest none of us (bloggers particularly) capture a moment in a single frame and then post that unfiltered. In that sense, we all ‘fake’ our own reality.

    If nothing else it’s interesting to debate it :))

      05/11/15 / 4:27 pm

      In terms of being interesting, it is seeing everyone’s different view isn’t it. By fluff I meant that things are filtered or people take more than one photo for a selfie but every one already knows that. I meant more the posing doing something just for a photo when you haven’t actually done it. Is like making loads of food just for a photo to say ‘foodfest’ and eating non of it. I for one wouldn’t do that and I am sure there are people out there that do pretend but not everyone and probably a small minority (I would hope) xx

  5. 08/11/15 / 8:05 am

    I get the feeling that you are quite a real person. Your feed is the perfect balance of professional and ‘realness’ ! Sorry i know that isnt actually a word. Interesting post xx

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